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Innovative Communities

Extending God's love in creative ways

"Rethink Church" is an invitation. We use that phrase as invitation to rethink participation in a community faith. We also use it as invitation to rethink what comes to mind when we think about church, because we believe that church isn't a place or an event. Church is a group and a movement.

Below are accounts of faith communities embracing church as a movement and reaching out to people in creative ways. Their stories inspire us and we hope they inspire you, too.

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Holy Intersection and Haywood Street Congregation

Where do you see God? Many people see God in nature. Others notice God in family, friends and loved ones. Still more hear God sung in songs. Brian Combs was surprised by where he saw God.

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What's up with the church on Twitch?

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What's up with churches on Twitch?

A unique expression of ministry has hit our livestreams: churches on Twitch. Rev. Nathan Webb shares how these gaming ministries make a difference.

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